Crate pomsky

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To learn about the pomsky language, please read the book.

The pomsky macro can be found here.


This library can parse a pomsky expression and generate a regex string:

use pomsky::Expr;
use pomsky::options::{CompileOptions, RegexFlavor};

let options = CompileOptions { flavor: RegexFlavor::Java, ..Default::default() };
let regex = match Expr::parse_and_compile("'test'", options) {
    (Some(regex), _warnings, _tests) => regex,
    (None, diagnostics, _tests) => {
        eprintln!("The input is not a valid pomsky expression");

You can get fancy error messages with miette by enabling the diagnostics feature:

use pomsky::Expr;
use pomsky::options::{CompileOptions, RegexFlavor};
use pomsky::diagnose::Diagnostic;

pub fn compile(input: &str) -> miette::Result<String> {
    let options = CompileOptions { flavor: RegexFlavor::Java, ..Default::default() };
    let compiled = match Expr::parse_and_compile(input, options) {
        (Some(regex), _warnings, _tests) => regex,
        (None, diagnostics, _tests) => {
            for diagnostic in diagnostics {
            miette::bail!("Failed to compile pomsky expression");


  • Crate containing diagnostics, i.e. errors and warnings
  • Contains different kinds of errors emitted by Pomsky.
  • Contains pomsky features that can be individually enabled and disabled.
  • Contains parser and compiler options passed to pomsky.
  • Re-exports syntax node types related to tests


  • A parsed pomsky expression, which might contain more sub-expressions.
  • An error than can occur only during parsing
  • A source code location, marked by the start and end byte offset. If both are zero, this is considered as “empty” or “missing”, and Span::range returns None.
  • A warning.
